Monday 16 September 2013

Reflection on week 7 lecture

This week's lecture explained about the "track view" function on CryEngine. This is used to create cinematic scenes by setting up cameras, sequences and other effects. We were also told about a 3D visual programming language called Grasshopper, which is similar to the nodes and flow graphs used in CryEngine. Russell mentioned that familiarity with this software is sought after in the field of architecture.

Reflection on week 6 lecture

The lecture was on "movement", showing examples of movie trailers. Some examples of dramatic movie trailers shown were that of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" and Steven Speilberg "Jaws". These trailers are made to give viewers a taste of the full length feature and often only a few minutes in length. I will use a similar dramatic short video to create a trailer for my island in CryEngine. We were also told about the new version of CryEngine which was just recently released.

Link to CryEngine level (The Island) in Dropbox

Experiment 1 "The Island" movie trailer

Sunday 15 September 2013

Peer review - Marking schedules

Reflection on week 5 lecture

This week's lecture was on "the subliminal". Subtle messages and images, which may not even be visually clear at first glance, are often used in advertising, logos and other visual media. Some examples shown in the lecture, which I had never noticed before, were the arrow embedded in the FedEx and the polar bear in the Toblerone logos. This subtle revealment and concealment of images or messages can be incorporated into my CryEngine island environment.

Strategy for the concealing and the revealing of letter / number combination

On a macro scale, from a distant aerial perspective, my letter/number combination (U9) takes a number of forms. The main island formation is in the shape of a U, with the number 9 appearing within this formation. There are 9 small separate islands scattered around the U-shaped landmass. There are also 9 rocky peaks on one end of the island. As we approach the main bay from the air there are 6 large rocks in a U-shape, and next to them, a small island in the shape of an inverted 9. On the tallest island outside the main landmass, on its snowy peak, stones protrude from the snow in the shape of a 9, and above it are smaller rocks in the shape of a U. As we approach the micro scale, on one of the beaches within the bay, some rocks, barrels, buckets and lobster traps are left on the beach  making up the letter and number U9. On the micro scale on a flat terrace above the helicopter base located on a small shed and illuminated by a neon light is the shed ID which is none other than.....U9.



Reflection on week 4 lecture

The lecture was on "the sublime" in Western painting and digital imaging. The images that caught my attention were one of Caspar David Freidrich's "Wanderer above a sea of fog" and JMW Turner's "Fisherman at sea". In both these paintings the sea dominates as a powerful and dangerous presence and which humans are at the mercy of. A video of a digital 3D model of Mount Everest also caught my attention as I can envision how it was created using a program similar to CryEngine.

Waterfall scene on my island

Rain scene on my island


Fog scene on my island

Time of day settings


Thursday 12 September 2013

Reflection on week 3 lecture

This lecture was on the "picturesque" and showed slides of landscapes which were drawn and painted by the ''Grand Tourists", upper class English people who travelled continental Europe between 17th and 19th century. One image which struck me was that of a painting of the Colosseum in Rome from an aerial perspective, which was the result of an imaginative visualisation, as there was no other means of gaining such a perspective at the time.
William Sawrey Gilpin

Humphrey Repton

JMW Turner

Claude Lorrain


Capability Brown

3 images from second CryEngine Island